Premier Point




Home Health Referral Form



Hospitals, physician offices, insurance providers, nursing homes, and home health agencies each individually impact a patient's well-being, but by working in collaboration, that impact can be much greater.

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Our Impact

Premier Point Home Health patients remain in the community after discharge from home health at a rate of 93%, significantly higher than the national average of 78.6%. Premier Point Home Health patients are admitted to the hospital at a rate of 12.8%, lower than the national average of 15.4%. And Premier Point meets the national average of patients re-admitted to the hospital for a potentially-preventable condition after discharge from home health at 3.7%.

Hospital readmission rates are used as the key performance indicator in assessing a hospital’s quality of care. While some hospital readmissions are inevitable, the majority of readmissions can be prevented with high-quality transitional care. When first-rate ongoing care is provided to safely transition a patient from hospital to home, hospitals, insurance companies, and physicians all benefit financially. Partnering with the right home health agencies is crucial.

Our Values

Premier Point Home Health partners with trusted providers, organizations, and businesses to allow for a higher quality of care for the patient. These relationships foster the care coordination necessary to provide a seamless patient transition to the home. This higher level of communication between providers ultimately leads to lower rehospitalization rates and thus improved health outcomes for the patient with lower health care costs.

Our established associations allow us to align efforts around our common goal — providing patients with exceptional care, regardless of their ethnic, geographic, economic, or physical circumstances.

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Core Values